...but we go to car dealerships on the weekend. We have done this 4 times since living in New Jersey. And I think I'm the only one in the family who has to pretend that this "necessary" excursion is fun.

See, there's me carrying heavy heavy Bardo. I let Bardo play in the Honda Odyssey on the floor while the Warlock tested out an Accord. Look how much fun everyone is having.

Pippi loved going there. She even picked out the car that she wants.

"Mom, I'm going to get a convertible when I grow up because I like the wind blowing my hair."

We also went to Pippi's final softball game. Pippi got a trophy, so now she loves softball. She told me today that we need to practice so that she can be good for next year. And to think that 2 days ago I was wondering if the Warlock and I did the right thing in putting her in Little League. Thank goodness everything finished off with a good memory.

Car dealership eh? ya, you're a great person for pretending like your have a good time!
I think Pippi will be quite the athlete. I remember her non-stop running is Utah one summer, so I am betting she'd be a great trackster!;)
At least you go to the Honda dealerships:) Tell Nick to get you an Odyssey. You seriously are a great mom to watch kids at a dealership!
In my defense, I've given the Witch a virtual carte blanche on her next car, as soon as the lease on our current one is up.
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