If anyone has to really think in order to find something to be grateful for, you should give Bardo a call and ask him for some ideas. Today he gave his first spontaneous prayer, and it went something like this, "Dear Heavenly Father thank you for the day, thank you for the floor, thank you for chair, thank you for Becca, thank you for Mommy, thank you for Daddy, thank you for Hunter, thank you for meatballs, thank you for noodles, thank you for salad, thank you for dressing, thank you for Becca, thank you for Becca, thank you for Becca (Becca in the background whispers "Amen.") Amen."
if only everyone could be as grateful for the things all around us! I love that his sister was obviously numero uno
So cute! You capture your kids and life so perfectly in your posts...so thank you for the sweet look into your life! Sorry I've been slow at commenting on your blog...but check mine out if you want. Just beware that it is mostly me just rambling on about life and my kids and often times nothing at all!
That's one of the sweetest prayers I've ever heard of!
I love two year olds! So wonderfully innocent and sincere - what a blessing to have such little creatures about to cheer us and remind us what are the most important things.
That is soooo sweet. do think he is thankful for pippi??? :)
I am so glad you shared that with tus. I remember babysitting the Blodgetts and asking Craig to say the blessing on the food. Craig always requested that Heavenly Father help us to remember to chew with our mouths closed. I I guess it was a big issue at their house.
Sometimes when I read your blog, I feel like we are living the same life on the same day! Winnie has been bustin' out random prayers all over the place. We try to be reverent, but these prayers are never-ending and are often in the check-out line at the grocery store! I just mostly love how she starts them out: "Hey Water," is her version of "Heavenly Father." June just rolls her eyes every time Winnie gets into it. Oh well, at least our kids are spiritual!
Maybe he should come visit and rub off on my little guy. He refuses to pray and he's almost three. I know he can, and would do it all day long over everything, he justed doesn't want to do what we want him to! I think I have stubborn kids. Hopefully that turns out to be a positive in the long run!
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