Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bardo at nearly 30 months

I'm realizing that he won't be "the baby" much longer. Daily he tells me to "close my lap" so he can sit on it. But, closing my lap is kind of hard. Pretty soon he'll have to learn the ultimate lesson in sharing and taking turns--sharing mom.

He continues to be so lovable. Even when he has his own little Christmas as soon as I leave the room. He has a knack for finding his own, and opening them. He's shown me the helicopter in the dishwasher, and tells me that the dishwasher is really just a garage. He's always willing to lick a beater, and if I don't watch him carefully he'll climb onto the counter and dig through the spice cabinet. He loves Pippi and his daddy. Throughout the day he asks where they are, and he is very excited everyday when I wake him up from his nap to go get Pippi from school. He knows how to knock on the door to her room and wait for her to say "Come in" before entering. He is the worst shopping companion in the world, and still hates to sit in the stroller. He likes to walk, but often gets sidetracked. He sucks his two fingers. He thinks the mop bucket is a great place to go wading. He loves the hose. He can put Pippi's socks on his feet himself, and is so pleased by this accomplishment. He can pull up his pants. He loves to help make piles of trees and sticks. He refuses to sit in the baby swings. He torments the dog. He gets water and silverware for himself. Actually he'll get just about everything himself and doesn't wait for me to tend to his needs--accept diaper changing. He survives mostly on cheese. He loves cookies and treats. He thinks under the dining room table is a great little place to eat caramel popcorn, alone. He lets the dog out when he tries to snatch food from him, and the dog usually obeys him. He loves his friends houses. He's enchanted by babies. He pretends to make food, and is developing quite the imagination. He has the most adorable smile in the world.


MT Missy said...

He really is one of the cutest kids I've ever had the privilege of knowing!

Unknown said...

Oh what a kid! We want to come visit!

Melissa said...

That's so sweet - I love the part about surviving mostly on cheese :) Toddlers are the most entertaining creatures on the planet!

Unknown said...

I wish I would have kept notes like this about my kids when they were little.