Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Water Fun

The first time Bardo splashed water in Noel's face, she laughed as soon as she could catch her breath.

I think these two are on their way to becoming great playmates as soon as Bardo can learn that he need not tackle her to keep her from choking.


tenacious d said...

Oh cute!! I love how your kids play together.

Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

I LOVE your clubhouse! And those kiddos are so adorable! Isn't it the best feeling when you see them play nicely together? That's always the best part of my day!

Deanna said...

How cute and fun! Boy I miss you and your family.

Christine said...

Aren't you glad we live in a place where you can play outside, in water, during the month of October? You really captured this moment well.

MT Missy said...

Your children are beautiful! I'm glad that they are developing into good playmates. :)

Unknown said...

She really has her own look! Maybe she and Bardo should both have football helmets if tackling is a household practice.