Some of the things (bad and good) you give your kids are completely out of your control.
Pippi had her first dentist's visit today. After telling me that I should have brought her to the dentist earlier, they announced that Pippi was, in fact, a no cavity kid! They were shocked since obviously the fact that I delayed her first visit until her 6th year must indicate that I don't know how to brush and floss her teeth!
Unfortunately, the dentist showed me some things about her mouth that bring back memories. He showed me her bite, and told me she'd probably need a mask or a bionator to fix it. I wore the bionator for at least a year, I believe, to fix my own under-bite. She's also inherited the space between my upper central incisors. Lovely.
I now understand why Mom would apologize all the time for my nearsightedness. I feel genuinely bad that a few years of orthodontia is in Pippi's future. But Pippi doesn't know what all this means, and right now she's just a carefree kid. It's too bad they can't give them braces before they grow old enough to care! She was thrilled with her dentists appointment and was so happy that she wouldn't have to have metal in her teeth. And I'm thrilled about her having no cavities, too.
On a side note, Pippi was using some leftover cookie frosting to eat on some wheat thins. While she was having that "snack" I thought I might as well give her a vitamin. She promptly stuck her pink vitamin in-between her wheat thins and frosting making a vitamin "sandwich." "Look mom, I'm making my frosting and wheat-thins healthy!"
Good Job Silly Witch! When I was visiting I thought you were doing a great job of reminding Pippi to brush her teath!
Congrats on no cavities!
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