Saturday, September 24, 2011

The activities have begun:  dance for Pippi (and homework...), soccer for Bardo, laundry for me, and football season (spectating) for the Warlock.
Church callings, school activities, time with friends, carpooling, etc fill our days.
I started training for a half-marathon a couple of weeks ago.  I ran the ugliest five miles of my life today, pushing a Maclaren, stopping at intervals to allow Boo to run her wiggles out.  And yes, the dog was with me, too.  When will I ever learn that I don't always have to be multitasking?  

Here are some pictures of Bardo at soccer.  As I watched him, I noticed how he puts his whole body into his movements.

Boo hates getting her picture taken.  But I sneak a few photographs anyway.  She swore off underwear yesterday after 2 weeks of steady progress with the potty training.  She can even sing a stirring rendition of the "I'm Proud to Wear My Underwear..." from the the Potty Power video we're borrowing from Netflix.  I think her sudden step back may have to do with her recent refusal to nap.

Boo talks about Rapunzel often.  She doesn't like the wig aspect of her costume, and I personally cannot coax her to wear it.  However, Bardo talked her into one day.


Theodore Scott said...

Which half marathon are you training for?

MT Missy said...

Wow, Bardo has good form. And Boo hiding from a camera....gee.. which sister does that remind me of....hmmmm...oh yeah: YOU! :)

Jecca Lee Ivie Johnson said...

I'm impressed that you are running 5 miles at all. I've been taking a crack at running lately and 2 miles is my max so far. I so get the multi-tasking dilemma. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

Rapunzel, Rapunzel.....
Bardo's soccer look reminds me of you playing B-ball.

Unknown said...

Totally agree... I looked at those pics of bardo and it looked like you too. I should know; I bet I've watched you play more sports than most sisters! Attack Boo with the camera, she'll probably get used to it again! :)