Thursday, March 22, 2007

The 2007 Pictures I've Been Meaning to Post Forever

After wiggling her teeth for what seemed like forever, Pippi lost her first tooth at the end of January. She was so excited to see her brand new grin. Here's a close-up of her smile!

Bardo's smile is lookin' pretty good lately too. Especially when I wipe the drool off of his face.
Pippi figured out some things to do with Magnetos that I thought unique.

With just a slight push the structure she built collapsed down the hole in the iron stand. Pippi was delighted with herself.

Pippi loves taking pictures of herself...and me...and Bardo...and of the messy house.

Here's a cute picture of Pippi and Bardo together.


Unknown said...

Those pictures are adorable! I especially love the last one of Pippi and Bardo on the slide! The one of you wearing a wig is pretty sweet too! ;) Love ya tons!

Amberly said...

Bardo looks so much like his daddy! these photos are darling, they look truly happy.

Unknown said...

I can sure tell who those kids mama is by looking at them.

Kids are so creative. Maybe we should ask some shildren to help us solve the energy crisis, global warming, and end the war on terror. I bet they would have some great ideas.